In Love - A Choice?
I know whose right for you, my mom calls in,You must find someone, the chorus chimes in,
My friends and their neighbors try setting me up,
I am sure by now, they're completely fed up,
Fake it till you make it, some then say,
My answer to them, I've tried that way,
Arranged marriage, another contends,
Been down that road, I know where it ends.
Friends with benefits another suggests,
Or a glitzy life of carnal conquests,
To hell with love, a date once texts,
Just shut up and give me some sex,
What good is sex with no love, I say,
How can you say no to sex, you must be gay,
In total desperation, I throw up my hands,
How do you explain, to those who won't understand.
To love or not, is not a conscious choice,
Its the only topic, where logic's got no voice,
With the way I think, if you have a qualm,
She still loves you! Why? Ask your mom.
Vegas, or Venice or Half Moon Bay,
Which, one picks, you can never say,
Love is the same, should I dare say,
Can never tell, to whom, your heart'll sway.
Love, you must, feel in your bone,
Anything less, I know, I will bemoan,
Love her more, every milestone,
"Loved like no other", on my gravestone.
Its not my choice, to march to a fife,
To just spawn upriver, like an alewife,Adore i must, to make my wife,
To wake with her, the rest of my life.
I have, but a life, to live and bet,
I will not subsist with any regret,
If a cat, I am, with seven to live,
I will do this again and not misgive.
Yes, drama, my life, ur at the edge of your seat,
Does'nt mean you boo, and give me such heat,
My life is perfect, just nice and neat,
Won't mess it up, because you browbeat.
Sure, set me up, every way you mean,
Be her black, white, even alien green,Then shut the hell up, go hatch a new scheme,
Let me listen to my heart and follow my dream.
Part 2 - In Love - It Feels
Copyright (c) Sarvi Shanmugham